Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

All throughout my high school and college career my friends called me by my last name. Why? Because it's little and fun sounding and hard to spell if you go at it phonetically. I love my last name, and admittedly, I'm really going to miss it. I know I could keep it, but I wouldn't really feel right.

I'm excited about my new last name too. I think it sounds like a movie star name. But I've enjoyed my tenure as a D**i. I guess you could say I'm passing the torch to my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Katie. She also will have the same initials as my Mom ... KCD ... when she becomes a D**i.

I'll just secretly look forward to the times when old college or high school friends, who don't know I'm married, call out "Hey D**i!" I'll smile and it'll be the perfect segway into my good news that "Well, now I'm a P****r!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are about to have the coolest last name ever. Little known fact: Jesus' last name was actually P****r. Most people think His last name was Christ, but it was actually P****r.