Friday, June 18, 2010

Shower Bands

This is not in reference to storm cells. It's in reference to the events that have taken/are going to take place.

Tomorrow is the day of my first ever bridal shower and I am ridiculously excited for it. For one all my closest family and friends will be there. Which is just insanely heartwarming. For two, it's being thrown by two of my most favorite people in the whole wide world, Jec-Jec and her Mom. For three, it's going to be so great. For four, the invitations were just amazing. So classy and beautiful. Lastly, I got a new dress just to wear for the shower. And I always get excited for dresses.

Bands is in reference to the fact that we picked out our wedding bands today. It was a lot of fun and they are going to look just great. Wedding bands really suit Mike - which if there's something that has to suit you - good thing it's a wedding band. We go to a really great local jeweler who has really taken the time and patience with us through the whole engagement ring shopping project, Mike's engagement watch project and now the wedding bands. He looks out for us and genuinely enjoys helping us out. We are so grateful and excited to work with him again.

More to come later on how the shower went and what a bridal shower feels like. Right now it feels fortunate and grateful for my friend's & family's love.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

All throughout my high school and college career my friends called me by my last name. Why? Because it's little and fun sounding and hard to spell if you go at it phonetically. I love my last name, and admittedly, I'm really going to miss it. I know I could keep it, but I wouldn't really feel right.

I'm excited about my new last name too. I think it sounds like a movie star name. But I've enjoyed my tenure as a D**i. I guess you could say I'm passing the torch to my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Katie. She also will have the same initials as my Mom ... KCD ... when she becomes a D**i.

I'll just secretly look forward to the times when old college or high school friends, who don't know I'm married, call out "Hey D**i!" I'll smile and it'll be the perfect segway into my good news that "Well, now I'm a P****r!"